About Me

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Just a person who has so much to give to someone and who has given so much already. Now has found her old love from her past and is figuring out why they ever broke up and what works now to keep this love alive. I like putting down thoughts about love and life and sometimes writing down what I am thinking in regards to my life at the time. Poems, quotes, and songs are interesting to me from the interpretation of others on this topic of life and love. I also write poems at times just to sooth my own mind. I have been through several relationships and I was married for 15 years. I am a single mother now of 2 children. My son is 24 and my daughter is14. I love my children and I only hope that what I teach them helps them grow up to be decent to others. We learn sometimes by our experiences, good and bad and believe me I have had my share of both. I hope I will be able to use these experiences in ways of teaching my children how to live and lead a happy life of their own.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First dating service date

Well, I finally used one of those online dating services and went on my first date. This guy had only one picture on his profile, but he sounded like a decent guy. He emailed me first and we chatted for about three weeks before meeting. The night that we planned this I had just finished watching my son's baseball game and I was rushing around getting ready to meet my so called match. On my way to meet him, I received a call from someone that I have been dating and he wanted to talk. I spoke to him on the way listening to all he had to say and all I wanted to do was turn around and go see him instead. See I really like him very much, but he is the guy who is not sure what he wants. He likes me, but is not ready to commit. I know, you're probably thinking I should give up on him, but I can't. I have tried and I just love being with him. I was going on this date to see if there may be someone else out there for me. I did tell him that I was on my way to meet someone and that I was not able to talk much longer. He said he understood yet he kept trying to keep me on the phone talking about us and other topics that we have in common. I finally had to tell him that I had to go and it was killing me to say it but I did. I was sitting in the parking lot on the phone and I could see the guy standing in front of the place. He had told me what he was wearing and boy did he stand out! He said he was wearing an orange shirt. It was orange alright. He looked like he just finish working construction on the roads or something like that. He was wearing work boots and like 2 or 3 gold chains. The chains just finished the look off.

I know I sound mean and shallow, but I just could not believe what I was seeing. I went through with the date and well he was nice but there was not a connection for me. Physically I was not attracted to him and the things he was saying to me sounded like he already had us married off. He was kind of pushy and was already talking about plans to go on trips and such with me. This was our first date and I don't think I was ready to hear all of that so soon. I feel bad because he was nice to me, but it just wasn't there for me. We had drinks and dinner and talked about what ever. My mind was not all there anyway so that probably did not help the date. He asked me if I would meet him in the morning to have coffee before work. I told him yes then, but I ended up canceling in the morning as I knew I did not want to go any further. I had to tell him that I did not feel a connection. A week later he text me and also called me. I did not answer but he did leave me a voice mail. He asked me if I felt a connection and if I wanted to go out again. I guess he did not get it when I said I did not feel a connection or maybe he was hoping I had changed my mind. I feel bad, but I just can not see myself with him so why would I lead him on. I wished him well and said good bye. So my first date did not go so well and no match for me yet. I think I know who my match could be, but that is another story. I am going to continue to try the service again. The only way I will stop would be if my friend asked me to be his girl then I would probably jump. I'm not sure what to do about him, but for now I will just keep searching for Mr. right, my match. The image I posted is pretty close to how he was dressed for our date. Oh and he is not a construction worker.

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