About Me

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Just a person who has so much to give to someone and who has given so much already. Now has found her old love from her past and is figuring out why they ever broke up and what works now to keep this love alive. I like putting down thoughts about love and life and sometimes writing down what I am thinking in regards to my life at the time. Poems, quotes, and songs are interesting to me from the interpretation of others on this topic of life and love. I also write poems at times just to sooth my own mind. I have been through several relationships and I was married for 15 years. I am a single mother now of 2 children. My son is 24 and my daughter is14. I love my children and I only hope that what I teach them helps them grow up to be decent to others. We learn sometimes by our experiences, good and bad and believe me I have had my share of both. I hope I will be able to use these experiences in ways of teaching my children how to live and lead a happy life of their own.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A poem by me-Martha Ann

You had my love
It was only yours
You threw it away
It's no longer yours
I told myself I would not miss you
I haven't found a way to forget you
You took my heart
I want it back
Please tell my heart
You did not mean it
You broke my heart so
Now just keep it
Hold onto it
As broken as it is
Maybe one day you will see
What you had in me
My heart and my soul is forever with thee

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